(Look Heart) No Hands!
by Randy Travis
Country Girl
my family was playing around the other day, humming different songs from tv shows and getting the other one to guess what show it was.
then we asked what song best describes you.. my family agreed, mine would be ghetto girl, by little bow wow.
(Look Heart) No Hands!
by Randy Travis
Country Girl
school, got baptized, and started working the midnight shift, i went out in service
everyday with the morning group
i loved it because going out enabled me to get to know the friends
I just hated wearing those stupid napkins on our heads. Geez... that's about the dumbest thing I ever heard of.. or fell for. When I told my husband that I had to wear a napkin on my head, he just shook his head and said "Now I've heard it all." Not really... heeeh. There's worse! What about the dorky younger brother who is in charge of the saturday service just because he's the only male and he tries to be little Mr. Napoleon with the sisters. What a dork. Us younger teeaged girls used to just stare and start giggling. heh.
Country Girl
mike, i've posted the following pic in other threads, but thought it is such an outstanding example of the true fashion sense of the governing body, that i should post it separately for you to cast your professional eye over it: .
why do you think there is such a difference between what the gb (and their special friends) can wear, and what the rest of the jw mere mortals are authorised to don in their work for the kingdom?edited by - stephanus on 16 september 2002 16:43:28.
I find it interesting that the pattern on the fabric is locks, chains, and keys. Subliminal message, perhaps?
Country Girl
one thing that the witnesses promote is how they are different from the rest of the world.
in your personal experience , did you find that you could trust a witness more than you could a non-jw?
A person's "comfortability" is tied up with how honest they are: to themselves and the outside world. Unless they're a sociopath. How comfortable can one be when telling lies because of "theocratic warfare." Not extremely comfortable is my best bet. If you're really honest with YOURSELF and your ENVIRONMENT, you should be just doing fine. If you are lying, then you might feel a little anxious towards people who might uncover you. People who live lives that are based in lies find it very uncomfortable when confronted with reality. It is my best bet that all those who have left the JW's just couldn't corroberate the truth they knew in their heart to what was going on about them. It was a definite schizm in their environment and the truth they felt in their hearts.
Ask all these XJW's who lived Double Lives.. how did *they* feel about it? A comfortable sociopath wouldn't feel any anxiety. But those who really knew the truth, but were afraid to confront it, suppressed it, and it prolly caused a lot of problems in their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Country Girl
i have never felt more helpless in my life.
my grandma is sick, dying, and there is nothing i can do.
when i look at her, i see this echo of a woman that once was vital, strong and alive.
Dear Vivamus:
Just hold her hand and convey through that gentle touch that you are there and that you love her very much. She will know what you mean. I lost my dear sweet Grandmother two years ago, and I still miss her love and presence very much, yet I know she is in a good place, as she was a dear, loving soul. I believe that even though people lose the ability to talk or move, that emotions are conveyed through the eyes. She knows you are there, and I'm sure that she is very happy for that. I am sorry for how bad you feel.. but remember that when you are there, she is comforted and more happy; you give her strength and confidence that everything will be alright. You can make what is left more fulfilling by being there and holding her, and loving her. That is a small thing to ask for someone you love so much. I know it is sad to lose a very loved one, but it is life's inevitability that demands this. We can only hope that all of our loved ones pass with knowing how much love they have. Be there with her and be strong for her now... I know you are dying on the inside, as I once was, but it made everything so much better just to be with her and talk to her and hold her hand. I will be thinking of you...
Country Girl
all right- all those out there who own pets, or have owned pets will hopefully see my point of view and understand.
the rest of you can point and laugh at my weakness.... my cat is dying.
she is 119 in people years, i guess it's to be expected that she go sometime, but still it sucks!
Oh my gawrsh.. here I am tearing up like an idiot! This is such an emotional post! I have had my cat, Rowzer, for eight years now, and can't bear the thought that he, too, will go someday. I know how badly you must feel... <sniff sniff>. It sounds as if you have had an incredible bond of emotion with this pet, and for now about all you can do is make him comfortable and play out the days of his life like he wants them: to be next to you. <SNIFF> All the things that you mentioned that you have shared with your cat (laying on your books, banging his head on your shin> many of us have experienced with their pets, also, and I'm sure lots of us can relate! Be lucky that you had such a bond: cats don't give their vulnerability away freely!
Recently, I have been reading up alot on the emotions of animals, if they do indeed have them. It has never occurred to me that they didn't, but apparently lots of people believe animals don't have complex emotions. Just from my recent readings, I only confimed what I already felt.
Anyway, enjoy your kitty's last times with you and comfort and love him as he likes it. Hugs and comfort to you...
Country Girl
what is the most romantic thing.
got any womantic storwees?.
i'll tell you mine if u tell me yours!
I like Jack's idea of romance: that's my kinda romance! I sure like it when my husband does something to help me out around the house without the smart comments or me even asking. It shows that he put a thought into something for me that alot of men don't even wonder about. Like: wow! my clothes were dirty yesterday, and now their hanging in the closet! Hmm.. how did *that* happen?
Country Girl
just wondering if there were any good funny stories out there with the songs.. there always were the loud ones, the ones who thought they could sing.. i remember wrong songs being played on the record, then later tape, (are they on c/d yet?
) and people singing to it, but the wrong music, but they keep going anyways, especially when the "new song book" came out.. how about when the record would skip.. of course there were the brothers back there who so loved their "repsonsibility" in the hall, and took the "privledge" of doing the music so serious.. i remember back when they allowed someone to actually play the piano, she sometimes would jazz it up a little, and the congregation loved it, made it more lively, until they were chastised for it.. and then of course, no one could play live anymore, didn't want to make the musician too proud.
do you think that was really the reason?
Hey! I go to the Baptist church down South! nothing like a rowsing round of Amazing Grace. =)
Course.. I'm an ole lady with a horn in my ear. <grinz>
Country Girl
i do not have a religion / i'm not a jehovah's witness( / i do not read from the wt bible / i only read from the king james version which infact in future times i planned on having gold covers / i do infact have plans to change the world for millions(sooner then ya think) / i wanna lived like noah, obey and become righteous and survive the impossible(armageddon) and that's what i plan on doing, cause i live forever, survive up to the messiah's coming / i lose people daily cause in reality we all are family / i lost some close family members while back that's why i posted that 9/11 topic, i been though rough times, all i was trying to do is help / i have'nt been to a kingdom hall or church in about 15 years / i study at home with my gf and we ask the father & son for help and the help is always there / i only hate evolution & science / there is a differance between science & man's work / i dont believe in the trinity, cause millions speak from their tongues that the trinity do exist, but the righteous servants of the lamb(prophet) understood that jesus was not god, therefore it's impossible for any man in our time to know more then jesus disciples / america is not the greatest, god's throne is the only greatest / times that are bad and times that are ignorant and times that are unrighteous we shall overcome it and for be'hold our loving creator create new heavens & a new earth wherein we lived and the future is bright and the wicked fall quick and the good ones us we are the children of the light that light forever and we stay and lived forever and the dead rise up to enjoy the new creation that the father hath made for us......edited by - legendary u.2.k.
on 12 september 2002 16:52:6.
Legendy: how many bulls you been bucked off, feller? Seems to me yer a few seconds short of 8.
Country Girl
i am announcing that i will have, at my house, an apostate celebration over the weekend before halloween for all suthern folks...a and day night celebration will definitely be with masks and disguises.
i have a lot of rooms, for those that are coming out of state.
we have two guest bedrooms, an office with a futon, and a loft with a bed that can sleep two.
okay.. i just want to bring the JW mode with the normal mode. If you'd like to come to my party.. it will be on October 25. We have lots of room for everyone to be here. On Friday night, we will dress for Halloween. My house is HUGE.. and I( have places for EIGHT people to sleep for the weekend. I also have TWO ACRES for anyone that wants to camp. I also have a pool for those fo us that want to swim, I have horses or those that want to ride, and I hav e a lake for those that want to fish.
I will expect that all of you will tell me how many are coming.. and what they are bringing. It's not gonna be cheap. I'd like some people to bring SOme kinda meat so we can eat.. some vegetables and whatever..
I'll bring lots oc chicken since I have chickens...
If you'd like to come to the Apostofest party at the end of October, please write me at [email protected]. I have TWO rooms, and two places.. I also have two acres you can camp on...